Amanuensis Press

East-West Magazines The Seventh Life


These PDF’s of the Self-Realization Magazine are offered here as a service to you.

Recently I published a hardcover edition of the Tables of Contents of these magazines as a support for any historical research you may want to do. That book is cited here.

Don Castellano-Hoyt

Other recent publications by

Amanuensis Press

Claud Field, Mystics and Saints of Islam

EXERPT (from Wikipedia): “In 'Mystics and Saints of Islam' by Claud Field, readers are taken on a captivating journey through the lives and teachings of prominent Islamic mystics and saints. Field's detailed exploration of these mystical figures sheds light on the spiritual practices and beliefs within Islam, offering a unique perspective on the religion's rich history. The book is written in a scholarly yet accessible style, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in Islamic mysticism and spirituality. Field's emphasis on the personal experiences and teachings of these figures adds depth and authenticity to the narrative, captivating readers with engaging stories and insights into the mystical tradition within Islam.”

Reynold Nicholson, The Mystics of Islam

EXERPT: “Nicholson's classic presentation of the case for the presence and practice of mysticism in Islam.

This edition by Amanuensis Press is entirely OCR'd and rendered free of all extraneous markings and archaic alum-aging manuscript elements.

If you would like a free pristine copy of this manuscript in pdf form, please email either of the editors and they will gladly send you a copy.”

Swami Yogananda, Scientific Healing Affirmations, 1924 edition

EXERPT: “Reprint of the original 1924 edition. Notice Swamiji's appeal to the entire world to join him in setting up educational centers for the academic and spiritual upbringing of children.”

Paramahansa Yogananda, The Second Coming of Christ: Steps Toward Attaining the Consciousness Which Was in Christ (this is available in paperback and hard cover)

EXERPT: “The “Second Coming of Christ” extracted solely from the 20-years of Self-Realization Magazine publication from April 1932 through Yogananda's mahasamadhi in March 1952. In all the articles total 157, plus one additional essay by Master on the Spiritual Eye in July 1932 in his essay "The Metaphysical Cosmos."

“All churches should be structures without sectarian names if possible and should open their doors to truth-seekers of all races, giving them discipline in the art of God-contact. The purpose of a shop is to sell things, but the purpose of a church is to give God-contact. And if it claims to give that it must do so or cease to exist as a spiritual force. Every spiritual teacher who has studied under another great teacher should pass his life more in meditation than in reading books, and should transmit his spirituality to real seekers, whom he meets through the will of God and proper moral publicity, by regularly meditating with them whenever he can, in small groups, in quiet places or secluded centrally located places in a city. If all the churches get together and follow the above method they will bring about a real revival of Christ-consciousness in the heart of true seekers. When true seekers and worthy ministers will deeply meditate together then in the expanded cup of their consciousness the Christ-consciousness that was in Jesus will manifest in them and thus bring about the Second Coming of Christ.

“December 1938 Volume 11 #2, p 25

“I often lament that although Jesus was crucified once, his teachings are crucified all the time at the hands of dogmatic theology and ignorant theologians. Surely the time has come to stop the true Christ teachings, as given by Jesus, from being crucified by theological misunderstandings. These pristine teachings must be resurrected from the tomb of dogmatism by the help of Self-realization, and by enlightened perception of their true meaning.

“It must be remembered that since the Christ Consciousness was fully manifest in the consciousness of Jesus, it is the duty of truth-seekers to expand their individual consciousness and manifest there the second coming of this Consciousness. It is futile to look for another Christ coming out of the clouds. God, who is humble though almighty, will never permit a spectacular demonstration of His glory before the indevotional gaze of wicked people. But by moral discipline, continuous devotional prayer and deep meditation, God can be contacted as the ever-new joy of silence. This ever-new joy felt in meditation also denotes contact with Christ Intelligence, since God and Christ Consciousness are One. When the devotee feels God (or Christ) as the tangible ever-new joy of meditation, he should love this divine state with all the devotion of the heart, with all the intuition of the Soul, with all the undivided concentration of the mind and with all the strength and energy of the body. By doing this the devotee follows the highest commandment (law) required to know God, then his contact with this Consciousness, sensed as the ever-new joy of meditation, will be the real second coming of Christ and it will take place right in the devotee's consciousness.

“Volume 19 #3 November-December 1947”

Paramahansa Yogananda, A Spiritual Interpretation of the Bhagavad-Gita: Extracted from the Self-Realization Magazine 1932-1975

This is a compilation of Paramahansa Yogananda’s commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita as it appeared in the Self-Realization magazine over the 43 year course of publication from 1932 through 1975. Yogananda had finished writing this commentary in 1950 and even mentioned that arrangements had been made for its publication back then. Why it took another 45 years for it to be published (in 1995 by Yogananda’s SRF organization) is not clear.

Many people have expressed a deep desire to see these writings published as Yogananda originally intended without the imprimatur of his large SRF organization. This desire is rooted in deeply held devotional beliefs about Yogananda not extended to that larger institution. Admittedly one cannot say that this extracted edition would be what Yogananda wanted or intended (for example the failure to publish verses 21 through 42 of Chapter 10 in the Self-Realization Magazine). Nonetheless absent any effort by any organization to publish all the original files without embellishment, this extraction may be in the meantime the best that anyone to date has been able to accomplish.